Barnet Meltzer, M.D.,Chair of our Integrated Health Sciences Department is a holistic physician and expert in nutrition and wellness planning. Author of several books, including The Ten Rules of High Performance Living, The 21-Day Del Mar Diet, he was the first medical doctor to enter the clinical practice of Preventive Medicine in southern California. Dr. Meltzer has a thriving practice in Del Mar, California, and has been a pioneer and well-known authority in the field of Preventive Medicine and Clinical Nutrition.
In 1975, Meltzer settled near the equator in a remote farming area called San Augustin, deep in the Andes of Southern Colombia. Granted a scientific visa, he studied the primitive lifestyles, culture and social order of native tribes living in small non-commercialized villages where he learned about high energy, high performance nutrition and what it actually means to be on a balanced diet. It was in South America where he simplified his first book, The 21-Day Del Mar Diet, which is based on nutritional techniques to cleanse bodily fluids and detoxify the liver, lymph and kidneys.
Dr. Meltzer became dean and chairman of the Department of Clinical Nutrition and Total Health Education at the University of Humanistic Studies in San Diego in 1982. He has been a long-standing member of the American Academy of Family Practice (AAFP) and the California Academy of Family Practice (CAFP). His influence on the community is ever present. He has appeared on numerous local and national television and radio shows, while his public lectures are widely acclaimed and well-attended.
In the last four years, Dr. Meltzer has been featured in a variety of infomercials as medical expert and co-host with Lindsey Wagner and Denise Austin.