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Tuition and Fees

International University of Professional Studies is a nonprofit educational institution dedicated to the betterment of the human condition and as such has a policy of assessing the lowest possible tuition and fees. Our standard tuition rates represent the fairest rates possible with consideration for the costs of equitable compensation for quality faculty members, staff and administration, as well as the overhead of our office operations. 


Admission to International University of Professional Studies depends on intelligence, creativity, demonstrated capacity for self-direction and proven disciplined effort toward self-chosen objectives.

Preference is given to those applicants who are already well accomplished in a chosen field, who are able to work independently and reflect potential for additional personal and professional growth.

Interested persons who meet the aforementioned criteria are encouraged to apply.


All students pay a $100 nonrefundable education assessment fee together with their application for admissions. The fee covers a portion of the overhead costs of the admissions review.  Notice of provisional acceptance will be made within 30 days. If the applicant is accepted for enrollment into the University, the entire $100 fee is applied toward the student’s tuition.


Standard tuition charges have been established for each degree level to assure that the University, a nonprofit educational institution, can effectively cover its costs of operation. As stated above, certain tuition reductions may apply, and are discussed in a later section. In addition, students are responsible for the cost of learning materials, as well as outside classes, workshops, and educational training programs (see more info in related section below).

Tuition is Based on a Single Fee for each Degree Level noted below.

Student Tuition:

Master's Degree Program:           $12,470 
Doctorate Degree Program:         $16,630
Combined Master's/Doctorate:     $22,450

(tuition rates as of February 1, 2021)

Tuition as described above covers a period of up to three, four, and five years of study for Master's, Ph.D., and combined Master's/Doctorate programs, respectively. See below for additional costs.


Should a student require longer than said allowed period to fulfill graduation requirements, the student will have the opportunity to enter into an Academic Extension Agreement in order to complete the remainder of the Academic Study Plan and subsequently, be eligible for graduation. Academic Extension Agreement fees shall be based on University policy at the time the Academic Extension Agreement is signed.

One enormous advantage you'll find at International University of Professional Studies is our policy to provide students with a means for gaining potentially substantial credit reductions for work previously completed at other institutions, as well as prior professional and life experiences. The admissions staff carefully examines the creditworthiness of our students' prior training and experience before the final credit adjustments are determined.


The Maximum Tuition Reduction Allowance for each degree level is as follows:

  • Master's Degree Program:        $1,000

  • Doctorate Degree Program:      $1,500

  • Combined Master's/Doctorate   $2,100


Tuition payment plans of 12 and 24 months are available.


Students are responsible for the costs of texts and other learning materials, as well as the costs of travel, communications, computer hardware and software, other equipment and school materials associated with the fulfillment of their Academic Study Plans. Certain courses may have required or optional outside fee-based activities (course fees, entrance fees, travel, lodging and meals) conducted by outside organizations. Students are responsible to pay these fees directly to the activity provider. Such fees are payable in addition to the IUPS tuition and fees. For example, a student taking one of the coaching courses available through our strategic partner, Institute for Life Coach Training, or another coach training program, is responsible for that program's fees as well.


A survey of the cost of doctorate degree programs will assure our students that they are receiving tremendous value in earning their degrees through International University of Professional Studies.


A fee is assessed for students petitioning for a change in primary mentor to cover the costs related to the amount of time previously spent with their mentor, and the costs related to formalizing the change. The fee amount is determined on a case by case basis.


Any monthly payment received later than five (5) days after the due date of the month in which it is scheduled is considered late. Each late payment will be subject to a administrative fee of $25.00 for each month that the payment is late. Credit card payments that are declined for authorization of payment by a student's credit card company or bank will be subject to an administrative fee of $25.00. The administrative fee for returned checks is $50.00.


Default on payments or fees beyond a thirty (30) calendar day period from the date a payment or fee is due may result in the student's suspension. Should the student petition to re-enroll, all payments and fees due from the time nonpayment began shall be due and payable in full before re-enrollment can take place. Other fees, including but not limited to late payment fees and a $100 re-enrollment fee for students returning from suspension, may apply as per University policy at the time the student petitions for re-enrollment.


Following completion of the Academic Study Plan, students are required to complete a Diploma Request Form and submit it, along with their required Graduation Fee payment of $200, to the University. This fee is assessed to cover the costs of finalizing and archiving the student's permanent record and preparing the official diploma.


Refunds for voluntary withdrawal, dismissal or suspension are based on the total tuition paid, less application fee, according to the following schedule (updated as of December 2017)

             Withdrawal from Date of First                                                 % of Total Paid
             Payment in Admissions Process                                            Tuition Refunded

             Within:            30   Calendar Days                                          100% (less credit card fees)
                               30-60   Calendar Days                                          75% (less credit card fees)
                               60-90   Calendar Days                                          50% (less credit card fees)
                             90-180   Calendar Days                                          25% (less credit card fees)
                                 180+  Calendar Days                                          No Refund


If accepted, an academic program advisor will contact you to initiate the admission process. Acceptance to the degree program is conditional and is dependent on a completed Academic Study Plan and documentation of records submitted after enrollment.

Students of any race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin are admitted to all rights, privileges, programs and activities available at the university.



M.A.               3 years
Ph.D.             4 years
M.A./Ph.D.     5 years  



Made on an individualized basis (per the Academic Committee) and based upon prior professional and educational experience.



We offer a 5% tuition reduction if tuition is paid in full. We also offer 12-month and 24-month plans.

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