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Students and professionals who select our Professional Coaching & Human Development doctoral program will be on the cutting edge as the profession of coaching moves to university degree status, and will have the opportunity to learn from some of the best known pioneers of this evolving field. Designed with the busy professional in mind, our program provides a great deal of flexibility in training opportunities, one-on-one mentoring, and distance learning. Those who earn their Ph.D. in our Professional Coaching & Human Development program will not only prepare themselves to become the finest of coaches, but will gain a competitive advantage as this burgeoning field continues to grow.

Professional Coaching and Human Development

Professional Coaching and Human Developm

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IUPS presents this FREE introductory video on professional coaching, with well-respected mentor and coaching instructor, Lloyd Thomas, PhD, author of: 

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Masters Program:  45 Credits
(30 Credits in Required Courses, 15 Credits in Electives​)

Doctorate Program:  90 Credits
(50 Credits in Required Courses, 40 Credits in Electives)


Combined Masters/Doctorate Program:  120 Credits
(50 Credits in Required Courses, 70 Credits in Electives)

Course credits toward your degree may be earned in the following ways:


Many students earn course credits by having their mentor assign books to read on the course topic, and writing papers or completing projects that demonstrate their understanding of the assigned material. Credits can also be obtained by attending conferences, workshops, retreats, or online courses from established academic institutions. Students may request and submit for IUPS approval (through their mentors), permission to earn credits through external programs. Students also have the opportunity to assist in designing their own electives, allowing for education customization.


A key criteria for earning credits is for students to demonstrate how learning this subject matter impacts their lives personally and professionally. Integration of course material is of paramount importance at IUPS. 

Course #     Credits    Required Core Courses for Masters

PCH 500          3         The Essential Foundation of Coaching
PCH 501          3         Theories of Counseling
PCH 502          3          Human Development & Personality Theory
PCH 507          3          The Spiritual Dimension of Coaching
PCH 508          2          Awareness of Cross-Cultural Issues
PCH 509          2          Psychopathology
PCH 570          2          Legal and Ethical Issues in Coaching
PCH 580          2          Practicum/Fieldwork
PCH 590        10          Thesis

Course#     Credits    Required Core Courses for Doctorates

PCH 600          5        The Essential Foundation of Coaching
PCH 601          5        Theories of Counseling
PCH 602          5        Human Development & Personality Theory
PCH 607          5        The Spiritual Dimension of Coaching
PCH 608          3        Awareness of Cross-Cultural Issues
PCH 609          2        Psychopathology
PCH 670          2        Legal and Ethical Issues in Coaching
PCH 675          3        Research Methods in Coaching
PCH 680          5        Practicum/Fieldwork
PCH 690        15        Dissertation Research Project


Below are examples of electives that one may consider taking as part of this degree program. Students, in concert with their mentors shall determine which electives are most relevant to their educational aspirations.

Course #     Credits     Courses

PCH 610        1 - 5        Advanced Career Coaching Skills: The Life Purpose Process
PCH 612        1 - 5        Advanced Personality Theory

PCH 613        1 - 5        Consciousness Studies
PCH 614        1 - 5        Alignment and Embodiment of Values and Ethics
PCH 615        1 - 5        Body-Centered Psychotherapy
PCH 616        1 - 5        Clinical Neuropsychology
PCH 617        1 - 5        Coaching the Mid-life Transition
PCH 619        1 - 5        Coaching with the Enneagram
PCH 620        1 - 5        Communication & Team Building
PCH 621        1 - 5        Community Psychology
PCH 622        1 - 5        Conflict Resolution
PCH 623        1 - 5        Conscious Relationships
PCH 624        1 - 5        Consulting Skills
PCH 625        1 - 5        Cross-Cultural Coaching
PCH 626        1 - 5        Death and Dying – Grief and Loss
PCH 627        1 - 5        Eco-Psychology
PCH 628        1 - 5        EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) Certification
PCH 633        1 - 5        Family and Marital Therapy
PCH 634        1 - 5        Family Business Coaching
PCH 635        1 - 5        Gestalt Therapy
PCH 636        1 - 5        Human Sexuality Counseling
PCH 637        1 - 5        Hypnotherapy Certification
PCH 638        1 - 5        Introduction To Adult Developmental Coaching
PCH 639        1 - 5        Introduction To Coaching the Entrepreneur and the Small Business
PCH 640        1 - 5        Introduction To Executive Coaching and Development
PCH 642        1 - 5        Introduction To Transpersonal Coaching
PCH 643        1 - 5        Intuition in Business
PCH 645        1 - 5        Organizational Psychology
PCH 646        1 - 5        Strategies for Transformation
PCH 647        1 - 5        Stress Management
PCH 750        1 - 5        Workshops, Retreats, Conferences

PCH 751        1 - 5        NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Coaching

PCH 752        1 - 5        Advanced NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

Professional Coaching & Human Development Course Descriptions 

(Please note: All Doctoral coursework (600 courses) involve more advanced research and in-depth study.)


PCH 500/600   The Essential Foundation of Coaching
This comprehensive and foundational course covers a wide range of competencies and best practices in coaching methods and models.
PCH 501/601   Theories of Counseling
This course introduces students to the underlying theories of counseling for the purpose of deepening a coach's capacity to work with clients. The bulk of the course focuses on the acquisition of basic helping skills necessary for working with clients, such as: basic response skills, relationship-building, empathic listening, and sensitivity.
PCH 502/602   Human Development & Personality Theory
The processes and significant transition points in child, adolescent, and adult development are considered in this course and can be of immeasurable assistance  when coaching clients. This course also examines various theories and research focusing on intrinsic motivation, emotions, locus of control, pro-social behavior, self-concept, and personality change.
PCH 507/607   The Spiritual Dimension of Coaching
This course offers an experiential exploration into the positive impact of letting go of the limiting, suffering and fear-based state of being completely identified with the mind, and what lies beyond that contracted state. Students are guided toward the opportunity of having a direct experience of being truly present — in the Now, and how being present can transform one’s experience of life. In addition, the course addresses the essentials of self-inquiry, covering the teachings of some of today’s finest consciousness teachers, including Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie and more.
PCH 508/608   Awareness of Cross-Cultural Issues
This course acquaints students with the importance of taking into account and respecting the individual client's cultural experience. Topics covered include the psychological implications of being a member of a minority group, questions about the universality of the human experience, and implications of a multi-cultural society, and the phases of acculturation clients may be experiencing.
PCH 509/609   Psychopathology
Exploring the paradigms of mental and emotional dysfunction is the focus of this course. The emphasis is on the evaluation of psychological disturbances, using case studies to examine different disorders for the purpose of knowing why and when to refer certain clients to qualified mental health practitioners.
PCH 570/670   Legal and Ethical Issues in Coaching
All coaches face risks. Those who face the greatest risks are those who are the least informed and educated. This course will provide: (1) an understanding of ethics as defined by a variety of codes applicable to coaches, including a focus on the ICF Code of Ethics; (2) an overview of the legal issues of which coaches should be aware; and (3) information about risk management techniques.
PCH 675   Research Methods in Coaching
This course assists students in preparing for their dissertation project by examining research methods that can be employed.
PCH 580/680   Practicum/ Fieldwork
Students are required to do case presentations based on their experience in coaching clients (professionally or under supervision), effectively demonstrating the core competencies of coaching.
PCH 590/690   Thesis/ Dissertation Research Project
Students are required to produce original experimental or heuristic research, or a work of excellence project, of publishable quality.




Elective courses may be recommended by the university to ensure the student receives a well-rounded education and students are encouraged to take electives that focus on their core areas of educational interest. Alternative electives to the courses below may be designed by students and submitted to their mentor and the university for approval, truly giving students to opportunity to customize their education. In addition, with prior university approval, students can receive course credits for certain relevant workshops and conferences attended.
PCH 612   Advanced Personality Theory
This course offers students an opportunity to explore at a deeper level, the work of personality theorists of their choosing (Freud, Jung, Adler, Fromm, Skinner, Maslow, Rogers, Frankl and May, etc.)
PCH 614   Alignment and Embodiment of Values and Ethics
Studies the cognitive, social, behavioral, and corporate processes affecting individual, group, and organizational judgments in morally questionable situations. Through analysis, students understand what factors give rise to and influence ethical issues and how organizational values precipitate ethical behavior.
PCH 615   Body-Centered Psychotherapy
This course covers Body Centered Psychotherapy, which deals with information stored in the body in the form of images, memories and emotions. Blocked feelings get stuck in the physical body and block a person's energy flow. Held-in or stuck emotions not only cause emotional suffering, but physical pain, glandular imbalances, tension and often disease.
PCH 616   Clinical Neuropsychology
This course focuses on major neurological syndromes with an emphasis on differential diagnosis. Common or significant neurological conditions are presented to allow recognition of psychological manifestations of neurological diseases. Other topics include the neurological examination, various syndromes and disorders, and neuropharmacology.
PCH 617   Coaching the Mid-life Transition
This course is designed for both experienced and relatively new coaches who are either working with mid-life clients in career coaching or on other goals.  It will serve as a workshop where we inquire into midlife and soul-coaching as they occur, particularly during the ages of 35-65.  
PCH 619   Coaching With The Enneagram
The Enneagram is a century-old tool used in the spiritual direction tradition that has been newly rediscovered and applied to spiritual and personal development.  Learn how to use it for your own development as a coach as well as how to use it with your clients.  Discussion, self-assessment, case practice included.  
PCH 620   Communication & Team Building
This course examines major theories and approaches to building effective work teams, and their application to current management theory and practice. Students explore the role and effectiveness of work teams in today’s organizational culture and communication climate.
PCH 621   Community Psychology
This course covers principles of psychology applied to real-life, community issues. Methodologies and techniques are explored, with emphasis upon the transpersonal approach. Review and understanding of actual programs addressing a variety of community issues such as youth violence, traffic safety, and productivity in the workplace are covered.
PCH 622   Conflict Resolution
Explores the skills and techniques necessary for conflict mediation. Students study communication techniques, problem identification and disagreement management skills, techniques for achieving agreement or settlement, and intake skills.
PCH 623   Conscious Relationships

This experiential course teaches how to coach couples in creating a conscious loving relationship — a powerful and meaningful way to significantly improve health, love-life and overall well-being. Learn how to assist two people couples to consciously agree to relate on a "higher" level, while utilizing clear communication methods.
PCH 624  Consulting Skills
This course explores the nature of consulting as a learning and helping process between an individual and a group, focusing on the interpersonal skills and processes that make up the helping process. Using classic works from Peter Block, Ronald & Gordon Lippitt, and Edgar Schein, this course is designed for anyone who does consulting, even though they may not call themselves a consultant.
PCH 625   Cross-Cultural Coaching
This is an advanced course designed for participants who have already completed the basics of coach training.  In this course, participants learn to recognize differences among cultures, cultural assumptions of coaching, the coach’s own cultural background, and how these factors impact cross cultural coaching.  Practicalities, resources, and creating a global coaching practice will also be covered. Classes take place weekly for 1 hour, over 4 consecutive weeks. 


PCH 626   Death and Dying – Grief and Loss
This course explores students’ own relationships to death, grief, and loss. Presents issues and techniques for counseling and care of self as counselor.

PCH 627   Eco-Psychology
This course explores the consequences of the split between person and planet and how healing this split may take place.
PCH 628   EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) Certification

This course provides credit for students who successfully complete both parts 1 & 2 of the EMDR basic training program. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a complex approach to psychotherapy that integrates many of the successful elements of a range of therapeutic approaches in combination with eye movements or other forms of rhythmical stimulation in ways that stimulate the brain’s information processing system.
PCH 633   Family and Marital Therapy

The family is the central building block of modern life although its nature and form are continually changing. One of the primary tasks of human services is to help families adapt to these changes. This course explores the nature of families and human systems and some of the approaches to therapeutic change within them. The theoretical works of Bateson, Satir, Haley, Hoffman, Minuchin, and Nagy are highlighted. The goal of the course is to offer a framework for thinking about families and understanding the nature of family processes.
PCH 634   Family Business Coaching
This course is designed to serve the needs of coaches who want to apply their coaching skills to coaching the family business.  While an understanding of basic issues in the family business will be useful to participants, they will not be necessary for someone who joins this course.
PCH 635   Gestalt Therapy

This course explores Gestalt therapy, a holistic therapy with a great spiritual foundation based, in part, on teachings from Buddhism and Taoism. The basic experiment of Gestalt therapy, attending to our awareness moment by moment, is rooted in Buddhist mindfulness. In neither Gestalt therapy nor Buddhist meditation is awareness considered merely a mental activity; rather it is a complete creative experience in the present that can include a focus on feeling the actual, coming to our senses, listening to our bodies and attending to our breathing.
PCH 636   Human Sexuality Counseling
This course on human sexuality presents an investigation of sexuality within the larger context of the human experience. Emphasis is placed on the study of human sexual development, dimensions of sexual behavior, sex education, pleasure, health issues, sex therapy, ethical and legal aspects of sexuality, and art & sexuality.
PCH 637   Hypnotherapy Certification
This course provides credit for students who successfully complete a hypnosis certification training program approved by the university.


PCH 638   Introduction To Adult Developmental Coaching
This course will focus on the changing reality that adults face and explore the developmental challenges that traditionally appear in each decade of life from the 20s to 100 and beyond.  Learn how the developmental spiral helps explain the fact that so many challenges seem to appear time and time again.  Discover how coaching can help adults successfully navigate through their challenges while creating a life of excitement, fulfillment and joy.


PCH 639   Introduction To Coaching the Entrepreneur and the Small Business
This course is designed for new and experienced coaches who want to achieve success and mastery in the skills and strategies required for successfully coaching the entrepreneur and the small business.  The training may include teleconferencing calls,  practice on case examples from participants; practices, written exercises,  and role plays.
PCH 640   Introduction To Executive Coaching and Development
Learn the basics of executive coaching and development:  kinds of coaching you can do, special issues facing executives and their coaches, how performance coaching and executive development differ, how assessments and data gathering support the efforts, contracting with clients, etc.  This course will discuss practical issues and use outside readings as well as case studies and assigned practice to boost your skill as an executive coach. 
PCH 642   Introduction To Transpersonal Coaching
This course will explore ancient traditions within a contemporary context and discover truths that have transcended time. A variety of techniques that you can use to extend your own spirit-filled journey and use with your clients will also be taught.  Explore ancient wisdoms where East meets West, the past meets the present and in so doing we travel to wholeness. 


PCH 643   Intuition in Business
This experiential course teaches students how to apply their intuitive abilities specifically to business issues, whether in large corporations, small businesses, or sole proprietorships. Students explore the application of intuition to organizational mission, personnel matters, staff training and development, new product development, mergers, downsizing and bankruptcy, and other areas of business making.
PCH 645   Organizational Psychology
Explores the theory and practice of industrial and organizational psychology. You will examine the dynamics of organizational life and develop an understanding of the individual, interpersonal and group behaviors in work settings. Methods of assessment and intervention will be covered.
PCH 646   Strategies for Transformation
This course will review strategies that allow for transformation and covers exercises on designing a life, the six cognitive stages of change, the prerequisites for transformation, and spiritual aspects of transformation — all integrated for a deep understanding of the transformation process.

PCH 647   Stress Management 
Principles for working with the physiological basis of stress by heightening kinesthetic awareness of the stress response and utilizing focused intentionality, imagery, and non-habitual movement to reduce physical tension are covered in this course. This is an experientially-based learning experience, integrating the approaches of Moshe Feldenkrais and F.M. Alexander with transactional analysis, Gestalt therapy and Ericksonian hypnosis.
PCH 750   Workshops / Retreats / Conferences 1 - 15
Workshops and retreats are held on varying topics in desirable locations such as Maui and San Diego. Students are notified of upcoming opportunities. Students are also encouraged to attend workshops, retreats and conferences relevant to their coursework. With prior approval and subsequent papers written on that which is gained from such events, students can receive credit.


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