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Ji Hyang Padma, Ph.D. has twenty-five years of experience in Buddhist training and teaching in Asia 14 of these years as a monastic. She has taught Zen at Wellesley College, Harvard University and Omega Institute, and is the author of Living the Season: Zen Practices for Transformative Times.

Dr. Padma has a doctorate in psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology: her research specialization is Buddhist healing rituals. Through this lens, she has explored the role of consciousness, radical empathy and depth psychology in healing, as well as the pathways of spiritual transformation. Dr. Padma’s book on Buddhist healing will be published by Ayni Books in 2017.

Her work at Wellesley College as an interfaith leader has given her a passion for comparative religions and interfaith dialogue. When she goes to bookstores, she actively searches out books on comparative religious ethics—geeky, to be sure. While some scholars speculated that religion would become irrelevant in the modern era, the converse is true. It is more essential than ever to understand the values and stories that undergird the conflicts arising in the modern world, and to equip ourselves with the multicultural skills to be world citizens, She currently serves as the Director of the Comparative Religion & Philosophy Program at the California Institute for Human Science.  Ji Hyang’s recent writing on this subject has been published in Education as Transformation, Our Neighbor's Faith: Stories of Interfaith Encounters and Arts of Contemplative Care: Pioneering Voices in Buddhist Chaplaincy and Pastoral Work.

Ji Hyang Padma brings dedication, clarity and passion to the writing process. Writing is an expression of our spirits, and an act of creative power. Having experienced the great gift of writing mentors, she finds it deeply meaningful to work with students as a thesis/ dissertation coach, to help students achieve their highest vision.


Areas of Specialization: Consciousness Studies, Consciousness & Healing, Buddhism, Comparative Religions


Ji Hyang is also an independent dissertation coach. You can read more about her services at

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