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Audio Tapes
1. The State of the Transpersonal Art - Robert Walsh, Ph.D.
A lucid review of the first quarter-century of transpersonal thought by one of its leading proponents. Walsh traces the origins of transpersonal thought in the human potential movement and explains how Eastern and indigenous wisdom supported a growing understanding of the variety and depth of states of consciousness. Walsh charts the developing phenomenology of enlightenment, describing the 6 essential elements of all spiritual traditions. The transpersonal vision of interconnection is, finally, a powerful tool for the healing of a deeply troubled and suffering world.
2. Psychotherapy and Spiritual Practice - Frances Vaughan, Ph.D.
In this engaging presentation, Vaughan surveys the realms of psychology and spirituality to identity the contributions each can make to a balanced and creative live. She examines the differences between the fields as well as their commonalties and concludes with personal thoughts on ways of developing a full humanity. Useful for professionals and non-professionals alike.
3a. Why We are All Addicted - Andrew Weil, M.D.
In this fascinating presentation botanist/physician/author (Spontaneous Healing, The Natural Mind) Weil probes the origins of human addictivity. Craving is a universal problem, found in all cultures, and is at the root of the crises that confront our species in ever-increasing numbers. Why should this be so? Weil suggests the problem is even broader connected with the very origins of the universe, and though he offers thoughts on managing this dilemma, he urges us to accept the widest possible view to really confront the problem.
3b. The New Approach to Medicine - Andrew Weil, M.D.
Our modern medical system, based on high technology tests and treatments, is beginning to topple under its own weight and expense. But there is another approach to medicine that is less expensive and often more effective, especially for chronic conditions. Andrew Weil, M.D. one of the most respected advocates of the new medical paradigm, describes many proven alternatives that honor and encourage the body's own intrinsic healing potential.
4a. Carolyn Myss on Healing: The Essential Teachings - Carolin Myss, Ph.D.
This most recent work explores the challenges of healing that include recognizing behavioral patterns within ourselves that are rooted in our wounds. Myss describes the "woundology" we speak to one another and how this most intimate language we speak to one another and how this most intimate language can be the most difficult to break free of, for "healing is the second most unattractive thing to do, next to forgiveness." Myss describes fundamental steps to begin healing ourselves and the blocks we unconsciously create to prevent ourselves from healing.
4b. Energy Anatomy and Self-Diagnosis - Caroline Myss
An intensive exploration into the vast information network that is a vital dimension of the human body. Understanding the needs of this body and its spirit is essential to staying healthy. Myss focuses on completing the human energy system and discusses the science of intuition, showing how it can be used not only in self-health evaluation but in every aspect of life.
4c. Healing with Spirit and Intuition - Caroline Myss
"Biography becomes biology," says Myss, a pioneer in the field of energetic medicine who is able to diagnose illness by intuitive means. She explains how past traumas, grudges and illusions literally steal vital energy from our body tissues. Myss presents bold insights about why we are afraid of becoming healthy, and how we can overcome these fears and enter a new planetary era of maturity and empowerment.
5. Creativity and the Devil - Rollo May, Ph.D.
In this talk May takes an unblinking look at the process of creation. Not an airy, cheerful business; artistic creativity is nothing less than the soul's wrestling with the devil- the dark forces of despair and destruction. The troubled lives of Beethoven, Steinbeck, Poe illustrate the life-and-death stakes involved. This struggle is one that any sensible person would rather pass by but great souls have found the confrontation unavoidable and have accepted the burden of their lives, finding a way of transmuting their pain into higher achievement. Dialogue with the audience concludes this session.
6A. Capacities of the Soul - Jean Houston
An inspiring call to personal and collective greatness by a masterful thinker and speaker. Houston's life-mission is bringing people to their fullest possibilities and she reminds us of the boundless depths within each person and of the necessity for realizing our truest essence of purpose for being. The wild and unpredictable age we live in is at last the time for Soul to manifest in the world, a drama of mythic dimension.
6B. Leading the Mythic Life - Jean Houston
A new era is emerging for humankind. "We do not yet see it," says Jean Houston, "but we can feel a new story in our bones. The hound of heaven is going, 'woof, woof, woof!' at our ankles in the morning." Hear a cogent overview of how our old stories shaped our past, and what will replace them. With autobiographical anecdotes, Houston illustrates how each of us can help create the new world myth. "The hopes and dreams of the human race in the last millennia," she says, "are focused on what is happening to us in our generation, now. We are living mythic lives."
7. When Everyday Life Doesn't Feel So Sacred - Christina Grof
Life is an inseparable blend of light and dark, joy and suffering, and strategies of escaping this complex reality simply do not work. In this most thoughtful and personal discussion Christina Grof (The Thirst for Wholeness; The Stormy Search for Self) reflects on the human condition and offers very direct and practical thoughts on how to remain open to this challenging reality. Only by being large and balanced enough to accept all aspects of life can we live authentically, creatively, passionately and truly bring spirit into daily life.
8A. The Healing Potential of Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness - Stanislav Grof, M.D.
More than three decades of work with non-ordinary states convinces Dr. Grof that the human psyche is a much larger reality that the traditional model of academic psychiatry recognizes. Human consciousness may not begin and end with biological birth and death: non-ordinary states reveal access to experience impossible in the personalistic model. Extraordinary symptoms, too, may be part of healing and transformative processes that traditional psychiatry can only classify as pathological. Grof points to a new understanding of human being far richer (and more mysterious) than that of classical models. A good statement of the transpersonal perspective by one of its foremost researchers.
8B. The Sacred and the Profane: An Effort to Integrate Two Perspectives on Reality
Stanislav Grof. Dr. Grof describes the materialistic worldview of contemporary industrial society and contrasts it with historic and indigenous societies who recognize a wider spiritual reality. He goes on to share some of the fascinating discoveries of modern research with non-ordinary states of consciousness that support the existence of a sacred, transcendent reality and concludes by looking at how this research helps answer some of the deepest questions about the nature of human existence. A fine overview of the transpersonal perspective by one of its leading pioneers.
8C. Death and Dying: Psychological, Philosophical and Spiritual Aspects - Stanislav Grof, M.D.
Non-ordinary states of consciousness are intimately connected to death and the experience of dying, as ancient and non-Western societies understood. A modern master of consciousness studies, Stanislav Grof reviews the practices and beliefs of wiser, less biased cultures and looks at suggestive findings from modern work and non-ordinary states such as near-death experiences, shamanism and other altered states. The picture that emerges is of an infinite field of consciousness in multiple manifestations as spiritual traditions have long taught. Dr. Grof's presentation, as always, combines serious study with the widest field of speculation.
9. Working with Subtle Bodies - Roger Woolger, Ph.D.
Traumas - stuck places in people's lives - are usually many layered realities, extending through multiple dimensions of mental/emotional/physical existence, and quite possible going beyond the current lifetime. Woolger (Other Lives, Other Selves) outlines this wide landscape, explaining the tools he uses, such as bodywork and psychodrama, to access and heal persistent problems issues.
10. Meditations and Inspirations - Virginia Satir, Ph.D.
The Satir personality shines through in this spirited survey of the path toward "full humanness." A beautiful meditation with guitar accompaniment sets the stage for appreciating the miracle that each one of us is. True self-esteem naturally moves outward toward valuing others as well. Satir works with audience members for a lively demonstration of self-appreciation and self-assertion, and shares hopeful thoughts about the process of human evolution now underway.
11. Spiritual Maturity: The Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life - Jack Kornfield, Ph.D. (2 Tapes)
A most loving look at the spiritual quest. Kornfield examines the nature of spiritual development, stressing always the transformation of concrete daily reality. Many levels of healing awareness are needed for true integration right where we live - Kornfield outlines them and leads short meditations to experience them. We can at last come to a place of simple compassion and kindness toward ourselves and others: "In the end where spiritual life leads us is right where we are".
12. The Call
David Spangler Our lives are a fabric of love and meaning, divinely inspired and grounded in the nature of reality itself. In this wonderful talk, David Spangler, "free-lance mystic", former co-director of the Findhorn Foundation and author of many books including The Call and Everyday Miracles: The Inner Art of Manifestation, speaks with warmth and clarity of the quest which each conscious person essentially embodies and offers helpful thoughts on living with this challenging and sustaining mission in the great and small moments of life.
13. The Therapist as a 21st Century Shaman - Ronald Wong Jue, Ph.D.
Therapist Jue, past President of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, shares his understanding of the transpersonal dimensions of human existence and their implications for therapeutic work. He uses the insights of Karl Pribram and David Bohm to describe an information-rich, holographic reality in which we are all enmeshed. Jue sees life as an interweaving of the chronological or linear and the synchronic time of myth - a complex, evolving field of energy. Therapy then becomes a matter of helping the client realize this larger reality and more freely enact their life-myth. Much to ponder here: evolution, karma, the role of pain...
14. Morphic Resonance and Collective Memory - Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D.
Are there eternal, unchanging "laws" of nature? Sheldrake believes we can do better than this metaphor with its suggestion of lifeless mechanism. More appropriate to a dynamic, evolving universe are "habits" established within an ongoing process of change. Shedrake discusses proofs and implications of his hypothesis, describing a living universe with its own process of memory: "morphic resonance". The revisioning he proposes opens the possibility of a new scientific outlook which recovers a sense of the life and intelligence of all things.
15. The Web of Life: A New Synthesis of Mind and Matter - Fritjof Capra, Ph.D. (2 Tapes)
In this fascinating and important discussion Capra outlines the grand, multidisciplinary synthesis presented in his current bestselling book, The Web of Life. Integrating modern systems theory, mathematics, biology, physics Capra shows how a comprehensive understanding of the nature of life at last becomes possible through an ecological framework transcending classical dualities of structure and process, mind and matter. Capra's presentation is both rigorous and clear with implications for all aspects of human life, from medicine and psychotherapy to ecology and spirituality.
16A. Helping Ourselves Heal Others - Ram Dass
The vast suffering that confronts us daily leads to a protective withdrawal that buys safety but at the price of presence and vitality. It's no wonder that burnout frequently results. In this thoughtful discussion Ram Dass examines ways to live in a difficult world with heart open, to have both compassion and boundaries. It becomes, finally, a matter of awareness, of cultivating a spacious sense of being that encompasses with equanimity the light and the dark, seeing it all as a grand play surpassing rational understanding. In the freedom from attachment and aversion, as great sage shave always taught, lies the path of liberation and simple, compassionate presence.
16B. Promises and Pitfalls of the Spiritual Path - Ram Dass
With insight and humor Ram Dass surveys the infinitely difficult and rewarding process of developing the heart of wisdom - bringing equanimity and joy into daily life. He tells the story of the 60's and 70's - the moves toward a wider view of reality and the detours into pride and imbalance - as stepping stones on the path toward a deeper and more authentic humanity. Personal anecdotes and timeless truth blend in this portrait of the modern American spiritual quest. Concludes with chanting.
17. Brain and Myth: Into the 21st Century - Karl Pribram, M.D.
Leading brain researcher Pribram gives a brief yet remarkably clear overview of the new understanding emerging from research in brain function, quantum mechanics and communication theory - an understanding that bridges the previously opposed domains of mind and matter, spiritual and material, and suggests a harmonious, vibratory universe where all levels of reality operate on the same basic principles. He concludes with thoughts on the implications this model holds for our current state of cultural evolution, suggesting a new kind of wide-ranging integration toward which the latest studies point. Much food for thought.
18. Synchronicity and the Tao: Mysticism, Metaphor, Morphic Fields - Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.
With wonderful clarity Bolen portrays a universe of meaning, of love and caring. The experience of synchronicity described by Jung is one where the boundary of inner and outer reality disappears and we become aware of the wholeness that pervades the universe. This is the reality Chinese sages have called the Tao. Bolen explains how it is necessary to move beyond the personal ego or persona in order to experience the fundamental interconnection of self and world and find one's true place. An excellent presentation.
19. Let Freedom Have You - H.W.L. Poonja
"You think 'I am this body'. Can you keep up this arrogance for more than 100 years? Let it go, then you will know how beautiful you are. You will love everybody, all people, all the plants, all the rocks..." Recorded in Lucknow, India where this modern day sage offers free satsangs most mornings. An eighty-four year old disciple of Ramana Maharshi, Papaji teaches self inquiry (vichar) yoga to reveal who we always are.
20. Give Up This Practice of Postponement - Gangaji
"When you have processed enough to realize that processing is endless then perhaps you are willing to discover what is just present..." Gangaji received the direct transmission of a silent mind from Sri Poonja in 1990. Since that time she has been bringing the message door to door that it is possible to realize true freedom in this moment.
21. The Enneagram and Self-Realization - Eli Jaxon-Bear
Leads the listener from character fixation and subconscious identification to the awareness of what is aware, in the tradition of Ramana Maharshi's non-dualism. "The Enneagram gives the structure of who you are not and thus provides the opportunity to wake up to who you really are: emptiness, awareness and love."
22. Toward an Appropriate Psychology - Carl Rogers, Ph.D.
In this keynote address from the 1985 Quarter Century Conference of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, Rogers surveys the condition of contemporary psychological study. Although reductionist, behaviorist models of the person are now increasingly challenged, mainstream academic and clinical psychology is still a long way from practicing a science "appropriate to human beings in all their complexity." Rogers describes hopeful signs in the field and offers suggestions for developing a truly human science. Includes questions and answers with the audience.
23. The Emergence of Conscious Femininity and Conscious Masculinity - Marion Woodman
Masculinity and femininity have nothing to do with gender but instead are qualities of energy. This brilliant and wide ranging discussion examines ways of liberating and balancing the dimensions of our being: building a "chalice" of soul that can integrate matter and spirit, the unconscious ground with transcendent infinity, to live authentically and creatively. Becoming conscious and responsible for our lives allows us to break through unexamined complexes that restrict our possibilities, send us into addictions and misdirect our energies. To creatively live in the moment a deep integration is required. Between the eternal and the material lies the possibility of our authentic power. Other topics include pain, dreams, and the wisdom of the body. A dazzling display of insight and inspiration.
24. Transpersonal Approaches to Relationship Therapy - Seymore Boorstein, M.D. (faculty member)
Psychoanalyst Boorstein shares his understanding of "relationship therapy in an atmosphere of kindliness and forgiveness." Drawing on the teachings of the Buddha and A Course in Miracles, Boorstein distinguishes between the awareness of feelings and their expression in helpful, constructive ways. Positive communication requires skillful, kindly intention, as the Buddha described in the practice of "right speech." Venting angry feelings is not healthful -rather, "anger is like a muscle that gets stronger the more you use it." Boorstein's discussion is a warm and wise reminder of the importance of kindliness and patience in interpersonal relations.
25. Birthing the Feminine, Balancing the Masculine, Hyla Cass, M.D. (faculty member)
Cass discusses the integration of the masculine and feminine energies that each person carries within them. Recent cultural changes have increased confusion about gender identity and disappointment in romantic relations. More than ever it is important to reach an inner balance and connect with disowned aspects of ourselves. Cass looks at the historical developments that have contributed to the current historical developments that have contributed to the current widespread imbalance (such as the destruction of the Goddess culture of Old Europe) and examines ways to reintegrate the personal energies of masculine and feminine - through voice dialogue with sub-personalities, for example. Q & A too.
26. How to Have a Miracle: The Dynamics of Healing - Larry Dossey, M.D.
What is the nature of healing? What is the relation between physical health and spiritual attainment? How do we go about having a miracle? In this lively, accessible session Dossey (Healing Words, The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine) reviews recent studies of prayer and other strategies of healing to identify the source of healing and how it may be best engaged. His prescription of surrender to the mystery of Being is tonic for the Western Soul.
27. How to Eat to Enhance and Balance the Kundalini - Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
"We can't eat our way to God" but nutrition involves more than putting food in our mouths. It is, in fact, the assimilation of energy and when understood in the widest context is our very connection with the universe. In this lucid presentation Gabriel Cousens, author of Spiritual Nutrition and the Rainbow Diet, explores the continuity between the food we eat and patterns of energy in the larger universe. Conscious nutrition is a bridge between the microcosm and the macrocosm, involving the same fields of energy. In this discussion Cousens surveys the practice and philosophy of healthful eating, recommending a raw-food diet to maximize the incorporation of universal life force.
28. Feel Good Therapy/Vital Connect. Between Health, Happiness and Ability to Enjoy Pleasure - Stella Resnick
Focusing on the pain in people's lives, on what is not working, is a necessary but insufficient aspect of therapy. Much more helpful is a focus on wellness - what a person's strengths are and how to develop the skills for bringing even more happiness into life. Clinical psychologist Resnick stresses the importance of pleasure in life and describes how she works to overcome the fear of letting go to pleasure that most of us struggle with. She presents simple ways of working with breath to enhance sensual awareness and increase freedom and happiness.
29. Shamanism and Transpersonal Healing - Michael Harner, Ph.D.
Harner, veteran student of shamanism, leads us into the non-ordinary world of shamanic healing, describing techniques found cross-culturally and the world-view from which they emerge. Shamanic healers seek knowledge and power for the benefit of others and today's transpersonal therapist can benefit of centuries of experimentation by astute explorers of the many worlds we live in.
30. Decoding Your Dreams - Gayle Delaney
Why are dreams important? How can we remember more of our dreams, or use the dreams we remember to inform our waking life? Through years of research and dream analysis, Delaney has developed a "dream interview" technique that truly gives us the keys to decoding our own dreams . Her approach is useful to anyone who wishes to gain greater understanding of the situations and challenges of everyday life.
31A. Quantum Physics - Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D. (faculty member)
Physicist/author Wolf discusses two aspects of quantum theory that he believes have important implications for the study of consciousness. Parallel universes allow for multiple possible realities that branch or split with each act of awareness. Time loops create complex patterns of causality where information from the future can act in the present moment. Such strange and intriguing phenomena, Wolf suggests, may help explain conditions such as schizophrenia and multiple personalities. A playful and imaginative tour of the realm between mind and matter.
31B. Quantum Dreams and Realities - Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D. (faculty member)
The self does seem to be a construction of the brain-body-mind. And the dream is a very important laboratory for that construction to take place. This enthralling conversation takes us on a guided tour of some of the latest research and most creative current scientific theories about consciousness and dreams.
32. Basic Buddhist Wisdom - Thich Nhat Hanh
"Mindfulness makes life true and real. And when you touch yourself with mindfulness, you become real and true." Thich Nhat Hanh is one of the foremost teachers of Buddhism in the West, and here he explores Buddhism and Christianity, and the concepts of soul, impermanence, mindfulness and much more. Everything is impermanent, we have to welcome impermanence as a factor, personal and social responsibility follow from being mindful to make life possible.
33. Speaking the Subtle Language of the Soul - John O'Donohue
"If any growth is going to happen in the spiritual area, you need a bit of stillness, a bit of silence; then there can be a return, and a retrieval, and a reawakening." With elegant eloquenc3 this Irish Catholic priest and poet tells us how to speak to our souls, to listen to stones, and t enrich our lives with what's already there. He reminds us that we don't have to journey far to find wisdom: "If you are true to yourself and if you let yourself alone, you will receive all that you need." Furthermore: "If there is a spiritual journey, it's about a quarter of an inch long!"
34. Discovering Creativity Through Writing - Deena Metzger
"The creative unconscious is so much wiser than we are," says Deena Metzger. Writing is how she accesses that wisdom, and anyone can do it. Metzger describes the process of finding a "guide" - whether we choose to see it as an actual spirit person or an imaginary being - to take us deep into unknown regions of the psyche, and return with gifts from the inner worlds to enrich our ordinary lives. It is a process of discovering our inner truths and developing authenticity which, Metzger says, "is difficult and rare, and very precious.
35. Bringing Spirit to Work - Barry Schieber
Schieber uncovers some basic questions that will lead us to find meaning and satisfaction in the work we do. More than that, he provides simple, practical exercises -proven methods for dealing with "time handicaps" and the fears that hold us back - to accomplish more that we ever thought possible. Concentrating the mind increases our sensitivity, focus and creativity, and the results are "beyond what we believe we can achieve, once the mind starts to break through the limits. It's quite a freeing experience to realize what we're really capable of."
36. Falling Awake- Jon Kabat-Zinn
"This culture is not only fertile ground for mindfulness, we are actually starving for mindfulness," says Jon Kabat-Zinn as he gives us a fresh look at the relevance of mindfulness and meditation. A pioneer in bringing Eastern meditative techniques into Western medical therapy, he has decades of experience in the effectiveness of meditative techniques for chronic stress and pain conditions as well as simple daily annoyances. By paying attention in the moment and to the people we are with, he says, we can bring a richness and power to our lives that goes beyond healing to give us meaning, wonder and joy in life.
37. Truth is a Pathless Land - J. Krishnamurti
Acknowledged as one of the great religious philosophers of this or any other age, J. Krishnamurti for seven decades wrote and lectured on the essential problems of the human condition. This conversation is no exception; here he addresses love, greed, violence, separation, time, death, conflict, and fear, discussing them all with a clarity and insight that makes the entire landscape appear newly visible and replete with possibilities. Additionally, Krishnamurti has much to say about the source of our problems, both personal and planetary, with appropriate comments on how to resolve inner conflict, A priceless visit with an illumined mind.
38. Dialogue with Krishnamurti - J. Krishnamurti
The late J. Krishnamurti is regarded internationally as one of the great religious teachers of all time. For more than sixty years he traveled extensively, giving public talks to ever-larger audiences, he published over thirty books and founded eight schools to spread his knowledge about the alleviation of sorrow. In this dialogue, he is enigmatic, uncompromising and profound, presenting us all with the ultimate challenge; self-transformation begins at home. As we change our own psyche, so can the world change for the better.
39. Essential Reality - David Bohm
Stripping away the known and seeing reality for what it is, rather than for what our thought represents it to be, provides the theme for this compelling conversation. The late Bohm addresses the nature of thought and thinking, and how our conditioned minds become subordinate to the way we think. He says the thinking process "is a representation of what is, but is not what is," and goes on to challenge our perception of time and space as illusory. From mindless thought to experiencing each moment as eternity, Bohm takes us on a whirlwind tour of consciousness.
40. Myth as Metaphor - Joseph Campbell
Joseph Campbell, internationally-known scholar, author and lecturer in mythology, was a master myth-teller and weaver of truth tales. From understanding our relationships to probing the depths of our religious heritage and spiritual roots, this dialogue is a mythic journey across the barriers of time and space to long-forgotten eddies in the primal pool of our collective past. A torch-bearer for the dark path through the cavern of our consciousness, Campbell shares a plethora of wisdom in this conversation.
41. Quantum Consciousness - Danah Zohar
Our picture of the world is being shaped by quantum theory. This dialogue explores the radical, exciting implications theory for personal and social life. It offers the possibility of a new understanding of the nature of human consciousness, physical reality, God, creativity, social activity, the future of science, and more. This new understanding may change how we see ourselves, and how we relate to the world. "If we're quantum people," Zohar says, "we're completely different from what we thought we were. It has vast implications... Instead of being strangers and gypsies on the edge of an alien world, as people said about us in the old physics, we become fully members and partners in this universe.
42. Magical Thinking - Deepak Chopra, M.D.
"How we interpret something literally structures the reality inside our physical bodies." Brilliant synthesis of ancient and modern knowledge in medicine, physics and philosophy. This scintillating dialogue explores the infinite potential inherent in the conscious, intelligent universe of which we are very much a part. Chopra gives new meaning to the concepts of fea, desire, enlightenment, time, medicine, DNA and more. "Our consciousness is field of all possibilities - infinite possibilities," he tells us. "It's a field of pure potentiality. Anything is possible.
43. How to Live Your Dreams - Barbara Sher
Sher explains how to identify our true loves, gifts and dreams, as well as the fears and fallacies that keep us from acting on them. What is have always taught, lies the path of liberation and simple, compassionate presence. 44A. Quantum Mind/Quantum Joy (1) - Amit Goswami
An Indian-born physicist and philosopher's search for deeper truth in science led him to the conclusion that understanding human consciousness was central to understanding modern physics. His startling realization that "consciousness is the ground of being" - of all material reality, in fact - explains "all riddles of quantum mechanics and mind-body problems" and holds the key to escaping the bonds of our conditioning. Making the quantum leap from ego into larger consciousness releases us into the freedom, spontaneity and creativity that lie beyond conditioned behavior. "Consciousness in its primacy is joy," he says. "Once we have a taste of this primal joy, we can never forget.
44B. Quantum Consciousness and the Future (2) - Amit Goswami
Can mind survive the death of the brain? How does consciousness interact with matter? How is reality created and formed? Quantum theory is allowing Western science to take a new look at questions formerly in the realm of spiritual philosophy, and the implications are vast. We may find scientific explanations for reincarnation, prayer healing, vital energy practices, and far more. Here is a clear description of the possibilities and implications, from a physicist raised in the philosophies of India and highly trained in Western science. Goswami shows how to understand quantum thinking in a way that will transform both science and culture.
45. The How and Why of the Human Aura - Rosalyn Bruyere
Many areas of science and spirituality have identified energy fields in and around the human body. Rosalyn Bruyere has been practicing a hands-on exploration of the human aura that has led, through decades of study, research and teaching, to a fascinating, coherent knowledge of how to learn and benefit from an awareness of the aura/ It's your feelings, your thoughts, it's everything about you, in a less dense form," says Bruyere. This wide-ranging discussion opens many intriguing possibilities for social and spiritual understanding as well as the future of medical practice.
46. Human Energy Fields and Healing - Barbara Brennan
Barbara Brennan is gifted with the ability to see and affect energy colors and patterns in and around the body-an ability she says everyone potentially has. Deep and thorough healing occurs, she explains, through the honoring of subtle energies on physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual levels. Her explanation of how to take responsibility for illness without guilt and blame is as original as her provocative definition of disease as cultural creation. She points to highly practical ways in which energy healers can work with medical doctors to create a powerful future medicine. Formerly a research scientist for NASA, Brennan is the founder and director of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing.
47. Walking the Four-Fold Way - Angeles Arrien
Arrien tells us how to make our actions more authentic through listening, through integrity, courage and truth-telling. Angeles Arrien has gathered wisdom from an enormous variety of indigenous cultures around the world, distilling it into four paths to wise, effective action - "showing up, paying attention, telling the truth and being unattached to the outcome. " These are the archetypal paths of the warrior, healer, visionary and teacher, and the opportunity to embody these archetypes arises in every situation in our lives. In her very clear and stimulating style, and, as Arrien reminds us, "The heart and the essence of all spiritual seeking is the reclamation of the authentic self."
48. Relationship as Spiritual Practice - Linda and Charlie Bloom (2 tapes)
Loving relationship offers the priceless opportunity to expand into our fullest, truest nature - to become aware of and surrender the egoic attachment to false and limiting ideas of self. No easy matter, bringing us up against our deepest fears. Linda and Charlie use their own experiences to chart the path of the spiritual warrior in this excellent presentation.
49. Playing for Keeps: Commitment as a Path to Freedom - Linda and Charlie Bloom
How can commitment lead to freedom? By providing a context strong and safe enough for us to explore our disowned parts that keep us from our true identity. A precious gift, say the Blooms, this opportunity to move beyond the fear that usually pervades our lives and be free to be vital, open and authentic.
50. Opening Your Heart: Anatomically, Emotionally and Spiritually - Dean Ornish
Leading wellness researcher Ornish outlines the program of comprehensive lifestyle change that has been proven to reverse cardiovascular disease. Beyond the physical level lie deeper psychological dimensions that are fundamental for health or illness. The loneliness and isolation epidemic in our culture must be addressed if there is to be lasting improvement. Ornish describes the many components of wellness and concludes by answering questions from the audience.
51. The Biology of Hope - Dr. James S. Gordon M.D. (2 tapes)
Intangible factors, such as hope, optimism, a sense of humor prove to be vital importance in determining quality of life, even survival itself. In this warm and informed presentation, Dr. Gordon, Director of the Center of Mind/Body Studies at Georgetown University School of Medicine and author of Health of Whole Person, reviews the considerable evidence pointing to the importance of a sense of hope and purpose. Helping professionals will especially appreciate Dr. Gordon's thoughts on the appropriate practice of healing in medicine and psychotherapy. Health Science Students.
52. Jungian Past Life Therapy - Roger Woolger, Ph.D. (2 tapes)
This presentation is a detailed examination of the layer of memory that lies behind the curtain of our personal experience. Dr. Woolger explains how Carl Jung's work with the collective unconscious provides a basis for interpreting "past life" episodes. With many examples and live demonstrations of past life regression, presented by this Oxford scholar, Jungian analyst, and author of Other Lives, Other Selves.
53. The Healing Brain/The Therapeutic Benefits of Laughter - Fry, Ph.D.
This tape discusses the benefits of laughter and mirth. It purports to present scientific evidence that shows how laughter relieves stress and lowers the risk of heart disease. Also discusses the therapeutic psychological benefits of laughter and mirth in the field of psychoanalysis.
54. Consciousness, Life and Death - Stanislov Grof M.D., Ph.D.
This is a very informative discussion about ways of dealing with life threatening diseases. It deals with issues of cancer and cancer caused death. It presents the question, "Is cancer a psychosomatic disease and can it be cured by meditation and visualization?" It also discusses and presents some methods of coping with death and dying.
55. Visualization: Accessing the Higher Self - Kenneth R. Pelletier, Ph.D.
A four stage visualization process visualization process used to remove or change any negative behavior. It is a standard process using relaxation and breath. The tape takes the listener through a step by step process.
56. The Birth of a Generative Self - Gilligan, Ph.D.
This Ericksonian method of hypnosis deals with ways of moving through belief systems which have become "stories" that run our lives. He explains how using a "story" for a long time becomes a seeming reality. Here the listener learns how to move beyond the story. Also discussion about some archetypes and how they work in our relating to others.
57. Past Life and Self Healing - Adrian Finklestein, Ph.D.
This tape is about the use of past lives to heal the present. How knowing about past lives can help a person heal present day challenges. It is mainly for those who are in the healing professions, as it talks about how clients can be helped by reviewing behaviors and traumas from the past. This is more of a "why" lecture than a "how to". It relates more to why past life regression is effective rather than how it is effective. It offers the listener an opportunity to experience a past life regression session.
58. The Ways of the Mystic: Seven Paths to God - Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.
From the beginning of recorded history, ordinary people have had extraordinary experiences - transports to spiritual realms which left them transformed. That transformation results in a flowering of wisdom and compassion which is directed into the path of service for the upliftment of all beings. Drawing on accounts of mystical experiences from various religious traditions, and weaving in modern day stories of spiritual conversion, we will set the stage for a group meditation in which the poser of prayer and shared intention can assist all of us in a transformation experience that will empower us in giving service to humanity.
59. Reflections of Personal & Professional Transformations - Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.
We have all experienced, from time to time, situations that cause us to pause and truly look at our lives. This type of reflection can often encourage us to take risks, to move in directions that are entirely different from the ones we initially envisioned for ourselves. Join this special team of practitioners as they discuss the turning points that have caused them to change the focus of their personal and professional lives. Discover the circumstances that led up to these changes and how this new direction has put them on a path that has surpassed their greatest expectations.
60. Synchronicity and Simultaneity of Thought - C Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.
Carl Jung introduced the concept of synchronicity, a principle which can be used to explain phenomena that is more than an unrelated coincidence, some kind of unknown, almost magnetic attraction. More recently we have been introduced to holographic thinking, the implicate order and the morphogenic universe. All these concepts are part of the simultaneity of thought, an inherent intuitive ability to instantly grasp and understand complex interrelationships. Traditionally, meditation has been used to invoke simultaneity of thought. However, in this experiential presentation, participants will explore a new energetic circuit known as the ring of air which activates or assists simultaneity of thought. Myths, often regarded as superstitious falsehoods, are actually narratives that address basic human concerns and have behavioral consequences for our health and well-being. This workshop will describe the mythic dialectic that takes place when old prevailing myths are challenged by counter-myths. Sometimes the old myth prevails, sometimes the counter-myth takes over, sometimes there is open conflict or stalemate, but often a synthesis occurs producing a new myth that combines the best of both the old myth and counter-myth.
62. Creating Metaphors that Stimulate Emotional, Psych., & Behavioral Changes - David Lee, MEd.
Story telling has been recognized throughout the ages as a powerful teaching and healing modality. Because they stimulate unconscious right brain thinking processes, therapeutic metaphors provide the clinician with an extremely powerful yet gentle way of healing psychological/physical problems. They are especially useful with resistant patients. Through a blend of demonstration, lecture and group discussion, you will learn how and why therapeutic stories stimulate change, how to design a metaphor and how to tell it in a way that is both compelling and congruent with your personality style.
63. Hypnosis as a Transpersonal Healing Technique - Samuel Menahem, Ph.D.
Dr. Menahem presents practical techniques to induce hypnosis and show how to utilize the resultant trance state to produce healing by stimulating psychological and spiritual growth. The solving of the four basic human problems: fear, hate, guilt and inferiority are looked at as a spiritual process involving faith, love, forgiveness and strength. Hypnotic techniques are taught to produce physical, psychological and spiritual healing.
64. The Body Tells The Truth: Unlocking Cellular Life Stories - Ilana Rubenfeld, Ph.D.
People's words and their bodies tell different stories. They may say "I forgive," while their bodies mirror steel-like rage. Ilana will use the Rubenfeld Synergy Method , an integrative approach to heighten the awareness of this contradiction. She will demonstrate how a trained "listening" touch can bring the body and mind into harmony. This tape includes exercises, theory, a demonstration, breath awareness, compassionate touch and humor.
65. How, Then, Shall We Live? Four Simple Practices that Reveal the Beauty and Meaning of Your Life - Wayne Muller
Many of us ignore the call to a deep and meaningful life until we are confronted with significant life changes that direct us to explore our inner life. When it is time to change, many questions inevitably arise such as: Who am I? What do I love? How shall I live, knowing I will die? What is my gift to the family of the earth? In this workshop, participants explore these four simple questions that help define what it means to be human and passionately alive.
66. Memories, Dreams and Intuition: Waking Up to the Language of the Soul - Mona Lisa Schulz, MD, PhD
When something significant happens in our lives, the emotionally charged experience gets stored in our brain. However, memories and experiences are also simultaneously stored bio-chemically and electromagnetically in various organ systems, setting the scene for health or disease. Without understanding the true significance of our past experiences, our memories can affect the perception of our future experiences. Intuition is the language created by our brain and our body, through which we can directly gain insight, understanding and compassion about our past and provide solutions for creating healthier and more pleasurable lives.
67. Deep Healing: The Essence of Mind/Body Medicine - Emmett Miller, MD
Deep healing is a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual transformation toward a personal vision of wholeness, joy and love. This can occur only on a base of congruence, integrity and rich, passionate, fulfilling experiences in the world. The information age has brought the tools and techniques we need to our doorstep; it is now our turn to evoke a Spirit worth guiding their use. Dr. Miller shares the experience and awe of 25 years of clinical and personal practice and learning
68A & B. Men and Women: Talking Together - Deborah Tannen and Robert Bly (2 tapes)
This tape is a live recoding of this historic evening, when important elements of Tannen's work and Bly's work came together, offering a new possibility for communication between men and women. Tannen says, "women and men have different conversational styles, different ways of using language in relationships".
69. Science, Consciousness and (Dare I Say) God - Peter Russell, Ph.D.
Because consciousness cannot be pinned down and measured, science has generally excluded the subject from its consideration. More recently, as developments across a range of disciplines have shown that consciousness cannot be so easily sidelined, scientists have made various attempts to account for it. Peter Russell shows that as our exploration of consciousness deepens, science will be forced to question its current assumptions about the nature of reality. In trying to pin down consciousness, science has inadvertently embarked upon a course that may ultimately lead it to embrace spirit and-anathema as it may be to the current materialist world view-God. Not God as some supernatural being overlooking our affairs, but a much more profound and meaningful interpretation, and one not in any way opposed to scientific reason.
70. The Joy of Breath, A Transformational Breath Experience - Tom Goode, N.D.
Breath stimulates and balances the neural circuitry referred to in oriental medicine approaches. In the tape we learn the use and application of specific directed breathing patterns to foster holistic wellness and healing and gain an experiential understanding of the importance of breathing to achieve wholeness and optimal well-being.
71. Psychophysiology, Psychosynthesis and the Search for Self - Paatricia A. Norris, Ph.D.
Healers typically point to a relationship of healing practices to over-arching connections and experiences, Self-regulation therapies examine relationships between psychophysiologic states, inner experiences of Self, and health improvement. We speak more easily of Ai, Pranas, Eheric Energy, our Subtle bodies; of oneness, connections, and transformation than we do of spirit. The spiritual element is not a silent partner in life, but an active participant in the grown and transformation of the individual. Our understanding of our interconnection with our planet, with other living beings, and with each other is undergoing change, as is our idea of who we are, how we heal, and what we can become.
101. The Enneagram in Psychodrama - Margaret Keyes, Ph.D.
This tape looks at an action form of therapy under the direction of Jungian psychotherapist Margaret Keyes. The Enneagram provides a map of the conflict for consciousness. Psychodrama, a marvelous tool for working with levels of consciousness, begins when a small group comes together in a safe setting. What happens provides a fascinating story of one person remapping a crucial life decision. Each of the nine different Enneagram personality types deals with a different version of the Shadow Archetype, the dark side of human nature. The process - falling into conflict, and bit by bit waking up - is described in all spiritual traditions with different terms, but Carl Jung called it the process of "Individuation". This film shows one of the points of choice within a life.
102. In the Now: The Individual Application of Gestalt Therapy - Dr. James S. Simkin
The late Dr. Simkin demonstrates the individual application of Gestalt Therapy working with three different persons. The subject matter includes his work with a dream an incident of the recent past, and a current interaction - all in the "here and now". During the workshop, the participants are encouraged to use "I" instead of "it", and to take responsibility. The "why-because" game is rejected as an avoidance technique - thus explanation games are discouraged. The workshop demonstrates that people can change their behavior only if they are aware of what they do in the present and how they do it.
103. Hypnosis: Critical Incident Technique - Irv Katz, Ph.D.
This tape is a process utilizing hypnosis to regress back to a "critical incident" that is a source of present symptoms and problems. It involves emotional clearing, role playing, completing unresolved issues, rewriting the script and shifting into a transpersonal space of coherence and unity.
104. Hypnosis: Past Life Therapy - Irv Katz, Ph.D.
This taped session involves going back in time in order for the client to go forward in her understanding of her problems by finding the root cause of her disturbance and self imposed limitations. She was able to rewrite her script and develop a healthier relationship to her power issues.
105. Journey to Be Born - Barbara Findeisen & Sarah Fisk
This is an excellent video describing the effects of perinatal and prenatal trauma. There are interviews with experts in the field, also included are demonstrations of therapy processes.
106. Mind-Body Healing - Interview with Marc Ian Barasch & Corinne Edwards
Formerly editor of the New Age Journal & author of the Healing Path, eloquently tells how dreams, anger and personality affect our ability to heal, his recovery from cancer & the history of alternative healing.
107. Other Lives, Other Selves - Roger Woolger, Ph.D.
Past life regression workshop with internationally respected psychotherapist. This video describes anyone to understand the healing process of past-life regression.
108. Quest/Discovering your Human Potential - Various Healers
Quest with Dr. Deepak Chopra, Stephen Covey, Thomas Moore, Dr. Bernie Siegel, David Whyte, Marianne Williamson. New. Luminars share their insights on the Quest for a meaningful life. Learn how to: harness your inner power, build self-esteem, feed your soul, master the mind/body connection. Winner Houston Film Festival 1996.
109. Of Sound, Mind & Body - Various Healers
Deepak Chopra, MD, Bernie Siegel MD, Jill Purce, Rupert Sheldrake, Don Campell, Jonathan Goldman, Barbara Crowe, John Beaulieu, Steven Halpern, Kay Gardner, Robert Gass & IASOS. How music, sound and vibration influence every aspect of our being. Winner Institute of Noetic Sciences Award.
110. Clinical Vignettes - William H. Reid, M.D., M.P.H. & Michael G. Wise, M.D., F.A.C.P. (vol. 1 & 2)
Each vignette illustrates one or more Axis I or Axis II disorders and provides information sufficient for diagnosis. Most diagnosis are are very clear; alternative possibilities are discussed when appropriate.
111. DSM-IV/Clinical Vignettes (Vol. 1 & 2) - William Reid, M.D., M.P.H. & Michael Weiss, M.D., F.A.C.P.
Is it appropriate to diagnose a personality disorder in the presence of Schizophrenia? What are the differences between an episode of severe anxiety and a panic attack? How can you distinguish between Dysthymia and Major Depression? Now you can "sit in" as two expert clinicians conduct masterful-and revealing-diagnostic interviews!
Each of these sixteen 5 1/2 to 12 minute vignettes simulates actual clinical interviews and illustrates a different Axis I or II disorder. You'll get all the information you need to make a diagnosis, including historical data relating to onset, duration, and severity of the problem. See how your diagnoses stack up against the experts. After watching the vignettes, turn to the accompanying program guides to learn what diagnosis was assigned to each patient and why. You'll also find:
A review of each patient's presenting complaint.
A summary of all relevant clinical and historical features.
Pertinent coding information.
An evaluation of any Axis III, IV and V information that may bear on the diagnosis.
Provocative discussion points that challenge common diagnostic assumptions.