Student Withdrawal
Education Leave of Absence
Even with the best intentions and the most reasonable planning, unusual circumstances do sometimes occur in the form of accidents, physical problems, and radical changes in employment that may interrupt your degree program. Should this happen, educational leave can be granted. The maximum period is one calendar year. We ask that as early as possible, you communicate your situation to your mentor and the University.
Failure to Meet Tuition Payments
When you enrolled, you received a Tuition Agreement (TA) describing the schedule of payments. University policy is as follows (as outlined in your TA):
Any monthly payment made later than ten (10) calendar days after the due date in this agreement is considered late. Every ten (10) days that a payment is late shall result in an additional fee of $25.00. Credit card payments that are declined for authorization of payment by student’s credit card company or bank will be subject to an additional administrative fee of $25.00. The administrative fee for returned checks is $50.00.
Default on payments or fees beyond a sixty (60) day calendar period from the date a payment or fee is due will result in student’s suspension. Should student petition to re-enroll, all payments and fees due from the time non-payment began shall be due and payable in full before re-enrollment can take place. Other fees, including but not limited to late payment fees and a $100 re-enrollment fee for students returning from suspension will apply as per university policy at the time student petitions for re-enrollment.
Termination Due To Failure to Reactivate
Should a student fail to reactivate enrollment within one year from the date of suspension, the file will be closed. At that point, students wishing to continue their studies at IUPS will be required to reapply for admission at the then current tuition rate.